Advent Doors Day 21: Annunciation

Christmas is 9 months after ‘The Annunciation’ where the Angel Gabriel told Mary she would be the vessel by which the Incarnation of Jesus Christ would be brought forth into the world. This beautiful painting by Fra Angelico is featured in God Thru the Art’s founder Jennifer Rundlett’s book “My Dancing Day: Reflections of the…

Advent Doors Day 20: Abandon

Even if you are not that interested in art, you’ve likely seen the famous Michaelangelo statue of David. One of the recommended reading passages for this day in the Advent calendar is 2 Samuel 6:12-19, about when David joined the procession that returned the Ark of the Lord to ‘The City of David’ and did…

Advent Doors Day 18: Legacy

From what I understand of this time these militias, like the ones depicted in this commissioned piece by Rembrandt were primarily ceremonial. More to serve social status than the actual needs of security. Bravado and bluster, but not much in the way of true military strength. Yes this painting has survived the ages because of…

Advent Doors Day 17: Glean

Acts 4:1-4 Tells of Peter and John facing persecution because they were preaching about the hope of Resurrection through Jesus. They were thrown in jail at night and weren’t released until the morning. But Scripture says that regardless of this setback people continued to believe because they heard their message and at this point there…

Advent Doors Day 10: Graft

Who are we to stand in God’s way? Van Gogh and his ilk were not always appreciated and respected by the wider art community, and yet in later times their work hangs in the greater museums around the world. If you were sworn to and steeped in the classical art styles that prised realism, these…

Advent Doors Day 4: Jonah

“God bless us, everyone!” was the farthest thought from the prophet Jonah’s mind. Much like Scrooge’s partner Marley, Jonah’s empathy for the Ninevites was indeed ‘dead as a doornail’. Jonah thought God’s desire to save Jonah’s enemies (those Jonah thought were deserving of destruction) should be nothing more than “Humbug”. But in this view, Jonah…

Advent Doors Day 3: Cross

J.R.R. Tolkien coined the term ‘eucatastrophe’ to mean ‘good catastrophe’ – a sudden turn from dire conditions that proves dramatically and beautifully for the better. Where around there is nothing to inspire hope, yet suddenly out of the darkness, or rather from above it, light breaks through dispelling all the woe and bleakness, ushering in…

We Shall Rise Again

Post #9 features my good friend and collaborator Adam Nettesheim. He has been such an important enthusiast of God thru the Arts over the years. He has been supporting and contributing to this mission of connecting fellow seekers to God thru the Arts since almost the beginning. His writing and spiritual heart have added his…

Practicing Stillness: Train up a Child…

In all of the efforts undertaken to protect the Christchild… what time is there for stillness? Or silliness for that matter? How can we make time for myrth and music when we feel stretched beyond our capacity daily? When ‘free time’ is scarce and, sometimes the only thing that feels possible is attempting to recover for the next push?

Without Excuse

What happens when we can no longer hear the mountains cry out in song, where the trees no longer clap their hands?