Whisper Prayers of Wonder

I came to the conclusion that when I’m in my Abba’s presence, I do not need to say anything. He and I walk together quietly and there is peace in my heart and mind. 

An Instrument of God

It has been rather a tough week for me that maybe at some point I will share with my readers. In spite of this, or maybe because of it, I am wanting to make sure I post something. I need to send a little light out into the universe and hope that it will touch…

Beginning Again

“Let all who take refuge in you be glad…” Beginning again–breathing deeply, Looking around to see Time to count the cost Time to readjust my timing I pause, and breathe deeply–again, Feeling the quiet. Longing to hear your voice, oh God; Stillness–Peace Knowing you are there Knowing you are willing me to breathe; to breathe…

Mark’s Perspective of Service

  Suddenly my eyes were opened, this week, to the amazing nature of  the passages in Mark’s gospel recording Christ’s final journey to the Cross. While others would follow, Mark is the first to write about these events. Because of this, he really should be celebrated. Mark was just a young man following the twelve disciples and he hints that he…

Is Your Faith in Ruins?

Is your faith in ruins? Are you living day to day not seeing the evidences of God’s power and love all around you?  Let us begin again. Let us today rejoice in the knowledge of how mighty is our God…a God who saves. The psalm I have selected below is thought to be one of…

Fall Break

“~Dear Lord, time and time again we rush headlong into our day and forget to ask you to bless our journey. Suddenly we realize we have once again lost the stabilizing force of your presence, and we are filled with anxiety. Help us now to silence the noise of all our concerns. Help us, as…